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Poshmark connects you to people and closets filled with unique styles, hard-to-find pieces, and endless items to discover. Get started today and join our vibrant & diverse community who make shopping and selling simple, social, and sustainable!

how it works
list it
Closet full of clothes you never wear? Snap a photo, price it, and list it in less than 60 seconds—right from your phone!
share it
Share listings with your followers and use daily themed Posh Parties to help shoppers discover your listings! More sharing = more sales.
earn cash
Shipping is easy with our prepaid labels, and you’ll earn cash once the item is delivered!
Shop & Sell with Confidence
We offer free item authentication and free shipping on all items $500 or more.
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All orders ship via USPS Priority Mail. With our prepaid labels, shipping has never been easier!
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